Thursday 23 April 2009

Free and Agreeable Manners To 'umblelover

So what! I'm not li' goood 'nuf fo you to li', respond to? I fought it was romantic wif me li', commenting li', directly to your add, but noooo, you 'ave to go an' li', ignore me n'stuff! What's your problem anyway? I'm not "'umble" enouf fo you 'cause I's li', don't 'ave a full-time job and li', mad amounts of dosh?

I really is a fun girl, full o' life and well rounded. If you'd li', li' to li', chat, but are li', not sure 'bout me, den you could take a peek at my MySpace profile, and den maybe you'd li', see how smart I can really be, n'stuff, an' den maybe we could li', watch one o' my favourite movies li', "Step Up 2: The Streets," or li', "The Muppet's Christmas Carol," 'cause li' even though it's li', April, dere's always Christmas In July, an' since dat weva's always crap, we could get a little plant an' decorate it, n'stuff.

Or if you prefer, I've got li', a serious music collection, so we could li', pop on a couple WestLife albums 'cause you know who discovered dem, right? OMG, Simmon Cowell, y'know, from dat ol' tele show "Pop Idol" dat's now wicked famous in da States...uh,...American Idol, dat's right. He's a well fit bloke, don'tcah fink? I mean li', not that I don't fink you're nice or anyfink li' dat, an' li' you don't 'ave to be worried or anyfink about me not bein' faiful 'cause dat's li', my middle name, y'know.

Anyway, check out my profile and 'it me up! 'member, I could always take you shoppin' 'bout Camden Market or we could trip ova to that geezer Dickens's House!

Don't forget... profile

...below, LOL!

Free and Agreeable Manners To Little Woman

You 'ave beatiful eyes...

...'ow you doin' dis fine London day?


Free and Agreeable Manners Seeking Lone Wanderer

Heeey Lone Wanderer,

'ow you doing t'day? I see you's li' enjoy long walks n'stuff - yeah, me too! Sometimes it's nice to just li', get away for a good fink, huh? Me, I knows my way 'round London nuf good, but li', where you live n'stuff? Camden area's where I li', live, kinda, and if I'm not li', dere, den I'm, y'know, somewhere else, ala, my ol' boss's place 'elpin' 'im wif all 'is business, stuff.

'ave you ever been ova frough any ov da parks, li' Kensington or Regent's? I enjoy strollin' frough Green Park meself 'cause li' dat's ova by da Buckingham Palace an' I's 'ope to one day li', see it, n'stuff - 'ow many rooms you fink day 'as up in dere anyway? Li' a fousand somefing? Pro'ly, lol. I've already picked my room out - you can see it if you're sittin' on dat statue of li' Queen Victoria, y'know what I'm li' talkin' 'bout? We could meet dere if you fink you'd be interested in me, li'.

I'm sorry to 'ear your fava li' passed; musta been 'ard on you what wif you li', bein' so close, ala, faver and son. And your mum's a cow is she? It's always de mum's fault, in li', my opinion. Me personally, I've neva really 'ad me much a family, unless you count dis chap named Fagin, an' 'e's li', alright n'stuff, but li' sometimes 'e wouldn't be so nice to me, or my little mate Oliver, but li', whateva.

We 'ave somefink in common me and you; you li' to 'elp people li', less fortunate dan yourself, an' me, me I li' do too! I's 'elped save me friend once, but I got li' a real wicked beatin' fo it so since den, I kinda just don't, y'know, 'cause I don't know if you've eva been beat wif a pistol, but bloody 'ell, it li', hurts, bad! But I'm also li', not what you'd call well off, n'stuff, 'cause I li' have spent all my life on da', workin' and 'elpin'' the local London communittees, an' dat doesn't leave a whole lotta time for li', me, but I'm always tryin'.

Lemme ask you a question: do you li', li' dis new show on the tele called "Tough Love"? It's well safe an' da bloke in charge of all dese birds is nuf wicked, 'cause 'e's givin' up all 'is free time to li' 'elp women find deir true loves, which is kinda li', except 'e gets to be on da tele an' is li' well fit...kinda li' you, btw, lol!

But I's sure a 'ard workin' woman, I is. Someone once described me as 'avin' a 'eart o' gold, but dat was li', really nice and 'e li', made me blush 'cause li', all anyone eva calls me is a slag or somefink equally rude, when li' I'm jus tryna 'elp provide fo myself, n'stuff y'know. What's wrong wif dat? I don't fink anyfing, but dat's only li', my opinion.

Well, if you's li' to li', go somewhere fo a good chat, we could always meet in front of da li', Palace, an' I could, I don't know, li', show you my room n'whatnot, but li' only if you want to, which I 'ope you do 'cause we could 'ave a great conversation 'bout stuff, y'know, li' London, 'cause dat's where I'm from, lol, but 'ere I go, repeatin' myself...I fink - 'old on; lemme check... Yeah, yeah, I's said dat already, duh, lol!

Oh, an' I'd be a great mova to your babies, so give it a fink an' let me know.

PS - you's li' well fit, I mean well fitt, wif two "t's", lol! Ok, write back soon hottness ;)

Response to Little Woman

I would love to meet you in person. You seem like a lovely lady. I have a complicated past involving being passed around as a young child, stealing and being abused, but I have gotten past it all. You could say I was a naiive troublemaker, mixed up in the wrong crowds. You appear to be a beautiful young woman, and a charming lady. Please say you'll meet me.
-David Copperfield

Response to Silent Louisa

Dear Louisa,
Your father and I have dicussed the situation at hand and have decided that it would be in your best interest to be wed to me. I could provide a good life for you with anything your little heart could ever desire.
-Self-Made Man

Self-Made Man

I am Josiah Bounderby of Coketown. Abandoned by my mother at a young age, I have risen up from a background of poverty and suffering to become a bank owner and a factory owner. I would be interested in marriage to a young, beautiful woman however she cannot take away from my work. I have worked hard to build my life and I am not willing to lose any money or time at work over a woman.

Testimonial has prided itself in aiding people to find a deep connection with that special someone they may have not otherwise have met. Through shared interests and genuine intrigue, bonds are made everyday. is proud to announce that multiple couplings have led to marriage. Here is what one couple, who met through this site, have disclosed about

Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins Micawber-
"Choosing to post a profile on was the most positive thing I ever did for myself," says Mr. Micawber. "I knew posting a profile would be a gamble, but as a gambling man, I was excited for the unknown. I am grateful I took the gamble, for it payed off more than I could have imagined. has led me to connect with the most supportive person I have ever met. Two weeks after meeting, I proposed after a night at the races together. Though, we have been through tough times, my beautiful and generous wife and I have persevered through love. Though unlucky financially, I can now say that I am lucky in love- thanks to

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Response to 'Umblelover

Thank you for your very sweet comment. I would love to get to know you better and feel that we have much in common. I believe I can offer what you are looking for and can be that stay at home mother and wife that you are looking for. Maybe sometime we can set something up somewhere for the two of us to meet..I have always wanted to go to Australia! You have definitely been through a lot and I would like to try to help take some of that away from you and maybe maybe by helping you, it will help me to bring out my emotions as well. I have written your email address down that you have left and will be contacting you again to get the chance to learn more about you and hopefully get a chance to meet you in person!

Response to Lone Wanderer

Hi Lone Wanderer, This is very hard for me to do. I am a very silent person who is not very good at expressing my emotions, but would love to try with you. I am a smart girl even though quiet, and I definitely know right from wrong. I feel like I can fulfill what you are looking for and be the person at your side, if you can help me bring out my emotions. You are a hard working, confident man, so i feel like you would be able to help me and we would be good for each other. If you believe that things will work between you and I, the way I do, than maybe we can set something up to get together and meet in person? I might be shy at first, but I'm hoping that you will be very patient with me and give it a try.

ShyDoctor in response to Kindheart in regards to meeting

Kindheart, or may I be permitted to say Esther. I greatly look forward to our meeting on Saturday at The Tea House. You sound so beautiful, that I can not wait to meet you. I can not wait to get to know you more so one on one. I greatly admire that you are going to visit the orphans; it speaks volumes to your character. I shall be wearing my best black coat, and carrying a Red Rose for you. I to look forward to catching your gaze across the room...


Kindheart in response to ShyDoctor

Oh, how I greatly appreciate your timely response. I am deeply flattered! I had previously been nervous about posting a singles add on, for fear of rejection or misinformation, but I truely am glad I overcame my trepidation. I felt an immediate connection with you after reading your post, opening my mind and my heart to the exciting unknown. I would very much like to meet in person. The Tea House in London happens to be one of my favorite places to unwind and contemplate. Conversing with you there would be ideal. Twelve o'clock on Saturday would simply be perfect, as I have an appointment 10:30-11:30 to tutor the children in the orphanage nearby. Looking forward to catching your gaze...

P.S. I will be wearing a blue bonet

lone Wanderer

34Years Old Single
I currently resided in London, England. I am a hard working partnered with Mr. Mr. Doyce.
I enjoy taking long walks by the waterside, or through a garden. I am looking for someone to be by my side and enjoy these long walks.
I loved my father, who has sadly passed. And my relationship with my mother is strained, but I still love her. I long to have a family of my own. I love to help other people where I can, mainly, those who are less fortunate than me.
I am a confident hard working man, who wants a hard working woman with a good heart. She must be gentle and smart. I would also like to have several children.

Little Woman

19 years old Single

I currently reside in London, England. Though I have traveled to Venice and France.
I am a very hard working woman with a big heart. My family is very important to me, and I work hard to help take care of them. My family is fairly well off, but I have never really been able myself to the idleness that it allows. I am a very dedicated and hardworking woman. I love taking long solitarty walks along the banks of the Thames River; though the right companion by my side would make for great company. I am content to be at home and do what I can to make the lives of those that I love more comfortable. I am looking for my soul mate. I am looking for a man who will make me happy and wants to have several children.

ShyDoctor in response to Kindheart

I have had the pleasure of Mr. John Jarndyce; he is a very intellegent and kind hearted man. You where very lucky to have had him in your life. I am heartened by your kind words and seemingly gentle heart. You seem full of kindness and seem very self confident and mature. I too am also looking for a soul mate, and companion to walk with me on my long walks, and to help me help others. I would be very interested in meeting you this Saturday at noon at the The Tea House in London if that should be convenient to you.


I am writing in response to the "shy Doctor." My name is Ester Summerson and I am a SWF of 22 years of age. I am seeking my soul mate, a man with stability- one who I can love whole-heartily. I have been proposed to before, but I believe in marrying for love's sake and no has yet ignited my heart. I was immediately drawn to your post, as I deeply enjoy helping people also. It is so touching that you assist those from all walks of life. Growing up as ward to the court, I know how appreciated self-less kindness is. I enjoy housekeeping almost as much as I enjoy helping others, and I had ample practice with both since a spent many a day working in the home of the infamous John Jarndyce. I try to always remain optimistic in the face of adversity. Your quest to further educate yourself is greatly admirable, and I,too, enjoy expanding my mind with nuances- through books and travel. Perhaps we could meet over tea at your convenence and enjoy stimulating, multi-dimensional conversation with one another.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Silent Louisa

I am Louisa, and I am not like other girls that you may know. I am silent, cold, and I am a very unemotional person. Many would see that as a bad thing, but I have just never really had a chance to get to express myself the way that I choose. It is not that I want to be unemotional, it is just that I don't really know how to express myself. I would love to find someone that could help to bring out who I am and allow me to express who I am and what I am feeling. I don't want to be with someone that is going to force me into doing something that I don't want to do; I want to be able to do as I wish and as I please. I am a virtuous woman, knowing what is right and what is wrong, even if I have not been taught the difference. I am a very bright woman, who would love the chance to meet somebody that will help bring out who I really am, and who would help me to truly recognize what my emotions are and to show them. If that person is out there for me, I would love to meet that one for me; maybe if I see how somebody can love me, I will be able to show those feelings back.

Free and Agreeable Manners

Age Ant Nofin' But A Numba

So like “Heeey” everyone out there! My name’s Nancy, but my friend’s like ter call me “Miss” Nancy, y’know, li’ ter demonstrate a kinda respect or affection or somefing ‘cause in England – which’s where I live, btw, lol – when you’re li’, in primary school n’stuff (not that I’d really know ‘cause I was home schooled), the students call their teachers Mr. or Mrs. depending, of course, on whev’r or not they’s a chap or a bird, duh lol, but since I’ve never been married I can’t righ’ly be called Mrs. now can I; tha’d just be silly nonsense wouldn’t it, lol.

So yeah, li’ I was sayin: I live in London, li’ down in de souf eastern bit near Camden which, on a Saturday, is li’ to’ally wicked fo shoppin’; I mean, it’s li’ where all de tourists go ‘cause Camden Market’s li’ super famous an whatnot. If you’ve neva been there, den it’s like obvi you need to go, I mean and plus, it’s li’ right by dat uber minted writer’s house – ah, what’s the bloke’s name? – Dickens! dat’s right, the Dickens House… Anyway, so since li’ all de tourists come to Camden, y’know, li’ I just said, a lot o’ my friends li’ chillax out dere, nickin’ dosh off all dem knob heads who aren’t exactly payin’ attention, but when my mates end up li’ thrown in the pig pen,( ugh!), I’m de one who’s always gotta li’ go get ‘em out, li’ I don’t ‘ave me own problems, really!

I’ve just li’ recently gotten out o’ a pretty serious relationship wifa real wanker. I mean wow…it was bad! We lived togetha in dis real dingy flat where ‘e’d li’ ‘ideout on ‘is arse all day or kip (when ‘e wasn’t “seein’ a man about a dog,” if y’know what I mean), and ‘ere I am out in de streets tryin’ ter li’ put nosh on the table, fags in ‘is mouf, and all ‘e bloody well does is call me ‘orrid names li’ “slag” or “tart,” and dat’s li’ only if he’s not pissed off his face and li’ beatin’ me wif ‘is pistol! Yeah! complete sod, I know, and it’s an absolute shame ‘cause ‘e was a well fit geezer too, li’ one o’ those tall, dark and ‘andsome-types, but just a real chav and I don’t get it. Oh well.

Lately I’ve been li’ attemptin’ to improve my mental ‘ealf and self esteem, right, ‘cause I really do wanna find love, seriously, but li’ in order to do dat I need to understand what I’m doin’ wrong, y’know, and not always believin’ it’s the guy’s fault, i.e. the tosser I mentioned earlier, ‘member? So li’ in order to do dis, I’ve been watchin’ and re-watchin’ episodes of VH1’s “Tough Love,” wif Steven Ward, ‘cause ‘e li’ knows what ‘e’s talkin’ ‘bout, and also it’s to’ally a family show because ‘e’s like ‘elpin’ to find people love, and wif ‘is mover no less! ‘e ‘as all dese rules ‘bout li’ eye contact, and li’ what you fink is sexy might not be sexy to the guys you’re ‘opin’ to li’ attract, and also de “Do’s and Don’ts” o’ first dates n’stuff. I’m tellin’ ya, it’s brilliant, bloody brilliant!

But dat’s kinda what I li’ to do wif my spare time now – take in de Arts. Proba’ly my favourite movie ov all time would ‘ave to be Step Up 2: The Streets, not to be confused wif Step Up 2 The Streets ‘cause dis is li’ de sequil to anova movie dat was called just plain Step Up, so de people in it are li’ Step(pin’) Up 2: The Streets, because The Streets is dis gangsta dance competition between crews, and so dese crews aren’t Step(pin’) Up 2 The Streets, if y’know what I mean. Maybe you just need to see de movie to understand ‘cause the first time I saw it, I didn’t li’ get it neiva, but now I do so I li’ li’ de movie…a lot.

Hmm, lemme see – what else can I say ‘bout me? Oh, ok, well, I definitely li’ to hang out and li’ socialise. One ov my best mates, he’s a bit younger van me, but ‘e’s wicked fun. I met ‘im at my ol’ boss’s flat, who actually ‘elped raise me in dis li’ weird round-about way…(weird)…and I guess my ‘eart kinda goes out to him, y’know – my friend, not my ol’ boss! – ‘cause dey’s always tryin’ ter li’ use ‘im fo deir crap scemes, and dis one time ‘e was actually chased by a Bobby who smacked ‘im li’ right in de gob, pow! When my git boyfriend and I were still togeva (barf!), we’d often li’, entertain our good mates n’stuff, but ‘e wa’n’t always too friendly to anybody after ‘e get all steaming so it didn’t ‘appen frequently –ah sod ‘im!

I’m wicked good wif children too, and li’, really li’ ‘em, y’know? One day I ‘ope to li’ make a whole batch of mine own, but now ‘ere I go soundin’ li’ a bloomin’ baker of some sorts, lol, and I’m li’ble to burn sausages, lol. I guess I’m justa lookin’ fo someone who’ll treat me decent, but nofin’ serious for a bit. Can't wait to meet cha! ;)

Monday 20 April 2009



36 years old Single

I was born and live in England. I am a doctor and work with patients of all classes. I volunteer weekly to work with patients who have no insurance. I am also a student in that I strive to know the newest and latest medical procedures.
I enjoy taking long walks through gardens and just taking in the nature around me. I also enjoy helping other people whenever I can. I am a very quiet man and love long intimate conversations.
I have been to busy in my pursuit of my career to have any serious relationships. Some of my work has led me to travel abroad to different countries. But now that I have my degree, and am a Doctor I want to settle down and get married. And event that has been hard. I do work a lot, but want to have someone to spend my nights and my weekends with. It is hard for me to approach women because I am shy.
I am looking for a strong woman with a good heart and who loves to help out other people. I am looking for a woman who is smart, and has good housekeeping skills. I want a woman that will stand by my side. Someone who will go with me on my travels.

Friday 17 April 2009


My Self-Summary

35 years old single

I live in Sydney, Australia, but I am originally from England. I work mainly with money and investments for clients.
I enjoy long periods of time sitting by the fire, thinking and planning. I like to think of ways that I can improve my humble life.
I have only had one serious relationship and it ended badly. I was going to ask her to marry me; then I found out that she was: cheating. she was charmed away from me by a man whom I thought was my best friend. I miss them both because I can't blame them for life with me being so humble about it. I was so upset by my loss that I had to move away and go on a vacation for a while to think about my life and where it was headed to.
When my mother became ill, and needed to move to a warmer climate I jumped at the financial opprotuinites that Austrailia provided. My mother humbly enjoys the apartment that she has.
I am looking for a serious relationship that may led to marriage. I want to take things slowly. I am looking for a women who is humble with brown hair, who is about medium height with good housekeeping skills. I do not want a woman who works; I am old fashioned in the sense that I want to be the sole provider for my humble family.

BleakSingles Online dating Services

Established in 1859, Bleak Singles made its first debut in the popular Victorian periodical, All the Year Round, a weekly literary magazine founded and owned by Charles Dickens, England's leading novelist. Upon his death in 1870, All the Year Round was left in the trusted hands of Dickens's eldest son, Charles Culliford Boz Dickens, who oversaw the journal's continued success until his death in 1896; but the column did not die.

As the world advanced, so too did Bleak Singles. Once restricted as being purely British, the later part of the 20th Century provided the editors of Bleak Singles' columns an opportunity to expand globally, today reaching more than 40 countires world-wide. Thanks to the World Wide Web, our Singles are now more freely able to enjoy the liberty of branching out beyond their native borders, proving once again, there're always plenty of fish in the sea and that your true love isn't always located in your back garden, but possibly Spain or Russia or Peru!

For 150 years Bleak Singles has been dedicating it's columns to helping lonely singles find their heart's true counterpoint in another, and we hope to carry on that tradition for another 150 years more, because we know there's always a great love to be found. Just £50 a year provides you with the most exclusive dating services available today, so lets be honest; what're you waiting for? Have you found that love today!

Works Cited

Terms and Conditions: These are the agreed terms between all users and You must be 18-years of age. We are not a Detective Agency - no Sherlock Holmes' or Inspector Bucket's over here! - and as a result we do not perform background checks on any Singles posting profiles, thus we are not liable for any, or all, false information distributed (and believed!) by any said user. Should the relationship fail to result in matrimonal bells - no matter how close or far you believed were from them - refunds are strictly and one hundred percent nonnegotiable...and we do not cover divorce fees. We will not, and do not, guarantee "Happily Ever After's" between two parties of said service, so as the old adage goes, "Ya break it, ya bought it, mate." Of course all fees must be paid upon the time of your enrollment or else your account will not activate.