Thursday 23 April 2009

Free and Agreeable Manners To 'umblelover

So what! I'm not li' goood 'nuf fo you to li', respond to? I fought it was romantic wif me li', commenting li', directly to your add, but noooo, you 'ave to go an' li', ignore me n'stuff! What's your problem anyway? I'm not "'umble" enouf fo you 'cause I's li', don't 'ave a full-time job and li', mad amounts of dosh?

I really is a fun girl, full o' life and well rounded. If you'd li', li' to li', chat, but are li', not sure 'bout me, den you could take a peek at my MySpace profile, and den maybe you'd li', see how smart I can really be, n'stuff, an' den maybe we could li', watch one o' my favourite movies li', "Step Up 2: The Streets," or li', "The Muppet's Christmas Carol," 'cause li' even though it's li', April, dere's always Christmas In July, an' since dat weva's always crap, we could get a little plant an' decorate it, n'stuff.

Or if you prefer, I've got li', a serious music collection, so we could li', pop on a couple WestLife albums 'cause you know who discovered dem, right? OMG, Simmon Cowell, y'know, from dat ol' tele show "Pop Idol" dat's now wicked famous in da States...uh,...American Idol, dat's right. He's a well fit bloke, don'tcah fink? I mean li', not that I don't fink you're nice or anyfink li' dat, an' li' you don't 'ave to be worried or anyfink about me not bein' faiful 'cause dat's li', my middle name, y'know.

Anyway, check out my profile and 'it me up! 'member, I could always take you shoppin' 'bout Camden Market or we could trip ova to that geezer Dickens's House!

Don't forget... profile

...below, LOL!

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